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University Of Washington

Featured Story Slideshow


Coming home

Therapist Nocona Abrams (B.A. ’19, M.S.W. ’23) returned to Washington’s Yakima Valley to improve mental health care for her community.

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Nurturing new leaders

The UW’s Leadership Without Borders program, now 10 years old, supports and serves undocumented students to help them thrive.

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Working toward responsible AI

Trey Causey, ’09, ensures that AI algorithms promote equity and prevent biases between job seekers and employers.

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A program created by two UW biology students provides valuable hands-on learning experience for health sciences students from underrepresented communities.

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Be Boundless

News & Events

Top-view image of the arena, or flight simulator, used to present different visual objects and olfactory cues to tethered mosquitoes.

New discoveries may help the fight against malaria

An international team led by researchers at the UW has uncovered surprising details about mosquito mating, which could lead to improved malaria control techniques and even help develop precision drone flight.

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andromeda galaxy

Settling one cosmic question and raising others

A new study resolves a long-standing debate among astrophysicists over the relationship between a galaxy’s size and its environment, but also raise new questions about how galaxies form and evolve over billions of years.

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Fall Campus scene on the quad

Smarter irrigation for a greener UW campus

The University of Washington is testing sensor-driven technology to reduce its water footprint and create a more sustainable campus.

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Fast Facts

For Washington

All 39 counties in Washington state are represented by students at the UW.

Honors & Awards

7 uw faculty have won the nobel prize